Employee listening platform that actually works.
Corporate culture eats strategy for breakfast. Our mission is to help companies give their people a voice and create teams that are passionate about building the next big thing.
Corporate culture eats strategy for breakfast. Our mission is to help companies give their people a voice and create teams that are passionate about building the next big thing.
Supercharge your team's productivity.
Join the beta15-minutes distractors? Standard questions? No, thanks. We offer a revolutionary solution for employee engagement.
Every employee at any time can leave feedback about what is important. Hear every experience that matters to your employees.
AI converts thousands of employees’ messages into actionable ready-to-use insights. Get employee feedback at scale.
You can share to everyone or quickly use for embedding into a deck.
You will discover issues you have never thought about. Make your employees feel more engaged, recognized, and be more productive.
Built-in social mechanics to make employees’ experience enjoyable. Your teams can speak out on any topic, expressing their true thoughts.
Fine-tune your corporate culture in real-time with the help of AI. And it is super easy to use. No time-consuming demos, tutorials, explanations.
Company culture will no longer be a black box for your HR team and executives. Our solution will help you to uncover trends, problems, real emotions, and opportunities.
Act proactively, and not when something goes wrong. Reduce costly attrition. Our AI will help you to drive real changes (and not just the ones you need to check the box).
We offer pricing plans that fit all business types and sizes. Compare and find the best plan for you.
The perfect plan for small teams to test our product.
A great plan for growing business looking to take their corporate culture to the next level.
The most powerful option for big-size businesses looking.
Have questions? We’ve answers. If you can’t find what we are looking for, feel free to get in touch.